
Full CV

Mills, Jon (2025). A Critique of Antiracist Ideology. Journal of Teaching in Social Work. 45:2, 393-415.

Mills, Jon (2024). Our Disintegrating Societies: On What Divides Us.  Politics and Rights Review, March 14.

Mills, Jon (2025). It Took a Child: Greta Thunberg and the Call for Climate Action. Waking-up to climate change and what we can do about it. Psychology Today, March 3.

Mills, Jon (2024). From the Plague to a Plastic Island: A Tale of Ecopsychology. Pollution before and after COVID: When climate change meets ecopsychology. Psychology Today, December 26.

Mills, Jon (2024). Does Humanity Have a Death Wish? Politics and Rights Review, October 28.

Mills, Jon (2024). Doomsday Vault: The End to World Hunger Meets Climate Change: Climate anxiety, eco-pessimism, and food production require interventionPsychology Today, August 20.

Mills, Jon (2024). The Future of a Delusion: On the Psychology of Climate Denial. Medium, August 18.

Mills, Jon (2024). Our Looming Catastrophe: On the Denial the World Could End. Medium, June 24.

Mills, Jon (2024). On the Brink of Extinction. New English Review, June 1.

Mills, Jon (2024). Discrimination, Exclusion, Indoctrination: The Psychopathology of DEI. The Equiano Project, April 15.

Mills, Jon (2024). How the American Psychological Association is Harming Society. New English Review, April 1.

Mills, Jon (2024). There is No Systemic Racism in Psychoanalysis: How Shabby Science Continues to Embarrass the American Psychoanalytic Association.  New English Review, March 1.

Mills, Jon (2024). Moral Crisis in Psychoanalysis: Anti-Israel Hate Allowed in the Profession. The Algemeiner, February 29.

Mills, Jon (2024). What Happened to the American Psychological Association? Merion West, January 17.

Mills, Jon (2023). Resignation from the American Psychological Association. Critical Therapy Antidote, December 18.

Mills, Jon (2023). On the Incoherence of “Decolonizing” the Academy. Merion West, September 26.

Mills, Jon (2023). The Toxicity of Racial Politics in American Psychoanalysis: A Critique of BIPOC Experiences in Division 39 and the Holmes Commission Reports. Unsafe Science, September 8.

Mills, Jon (2023). Jung on Transcendence. Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche, 17(3): 57-77.

Mills, Jon (2023). The Seduction of Immortality: Jung, Heidegger, and Hegel on Death. In Elizabeth Brodersen (Ed.), Jungian Dimensions of the Mourning Process, Burial Rituals and Access to the Land of the Dead: Imitations of Immortality, pp. 199-211. London: Routledge.

Mills, Jon (2023). Burning Down the House—The Crisis in American Psychoanalysis: How Wokeism and Identity Politics are Destroying the Profession and Marginalizing Jews. Fathom Journal, May 30.

Mills, Jon (2023). Archetype, Psyche, World: From Experience to Cosmopsychism. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 15(1): 32-51.

Mills, Jon (2023). On Whiteness, Racial Rhetoric, Identity Politics, and Critical Race Theory: A Critical Moment in American Psychoanalysis. In Fred Busch (Ed.), Psychoanalysis at the Crossroads: An International Perspective, pp. 199-212. London: Routledge.

Mills, Jon (2023). The Black Foe: Being Towards Death. Journal of Analytical Psychology; 68(2), 427-435.

Mills, Jon (2023). Diversity Professor Accused of Jew-Hatred and Advocating Violence Against Israel. The Times of Israel, March 1.

Mills, Jon (2023). The Politics of Division: Lara Sheehi, Antisemitism, and Antiwhite Racism in the American Psychological Association. Critical Therapy Antidote, February 12.

Mills, Jon (2023). Antisemitism in the APA? The Case of Lara Sheehi. Areo, February 7.

Mills, Jon (2022). On Lunacy in the Culture Wars. Grapevine: Art, Culture, Food, Wine, Winter Issues, 88-91.

Mills, Jon (2022). On the Inevitability of Racism. Merion West, Dec. 5.

Mills, Jon (2022). The Myth of White Supremacy. Critical Therapy Antidote, September 16.

Mills, Jon (2022). Woke Psychology and New Racism. Critical Therapy Antidote, July 13.

Mills, Jon (2022). Field Notes of a Philosophical Counselor. International Journal of Philosophical Practice, 8(1): 12-24.

Mills, Jon (2022). The Scandal on Whiteness Theory in PsychoanalysisJASPER International: Journal for the Advancement of Scientific Psychoanalytic Empirical Research, 4(1): 5-26.

Mills, Jon (2022). Woke Ethics and Liberal Authoritarianism: From Cancel Culture to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Ideology. The Equiano Project, April 14.

Mills, Jon (2021). Excursions in Countertransference: Treating Complex Trauma, Structural Fragmentation, and Psychosis in a Bipolar Gay Man. The Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review, 44 (1-2): 1-11.

Mills, Jon (2021). Dialectics and Developmental Trauma: How Toxic Introjects Affect Attachment. Psychoanalytic Social Work, 28(2): 115-133.

Mills, Jon (2021). Archetypal Metaphysics and the Psyworld. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 13(2): 130-149.

Mills, Jon (2021). Crisis and Ideology in Psychoanalysis. International Journal of Controversial Discussions, 4, 111-127.

Mills, Jon (2021). Psychotherapy Progress and Outcome Monitoring in the Real World of Private Practice. Psychotherapy and Politics International, 19e1550:1-12. 

Mills, Jon (2021). Apocalypse Now. Continental Thought & Theory: A Journal of Intellectual Freedom, 3(2): 33-47. 

Mills, Jon (2020). Why Theory is not Myth. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 50(4): 435-438. 

Mills, Jon (2020). The Doomsday Argument Reconsidered. Eidos: Journal of Philosophy of Culture.  4(3): 113-127.

Mills, Jon (2020). The Global Bystander Effect: Moral Responsibility in our Age of Ecological Crisis. Journal of Futures Studies, 25(2) 61–76.

Mills, Jon (2020). Toward a Theory of Myth. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 50(4): 410-424.  

Mills, Jon (2020). Of Mice and Rats: Rodent lessons on overpopulation, "behavioural sink," and social disintegration. Watershed Sentinel, Vol. 30 (3), Summer, 34-35.

Mills, Jon (2020). In Search of the Numinous. In R.C. Naso & J. Mills (Eds.), Engaging the Self: Theory and its Applications in Psychoanalysis. Routledge Freebook. 

Mills, Jon (2020). Of Heresy and Humanism: Response to Alford. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society. 25(2): 298–300. 

Mills, Jon (2020). The Essence of Myth. Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 37(2): 191-205.  

Mills, Jon. (2020). On the Origins of Archetypes. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 12(2), 201-206. 

Mills, Jon. (2020). Relational Polemics. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 101(2): 375-376.

Mills, Jon (2019). Psyche as Inner ContradictionContinental Thought & Theory: A Journal of Intellectual Freedom. Vol. 2, Issue 4: 71-82.

Mills, Jon (2019). Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Critical Theory: A New Synthesis. Critical Horizons: A Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory, 20(3), 233-245.       

Mills, Jon. (2019). Recognition and Pathos. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 11(1), 1-22.

Mills, Jon. (2019). Dysrecognition and Social Pathology: New Directions in Critical Theory. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society. (1), 15-30.

Mills, Jon (2019). The Myth of the Collective Unconscious. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences (55): 40-53.

Mills, Jon. (2018). The Essence of Archetypes. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 10 (3), 199-220.

Mills, Jon (2018). The Essence of Evil. In E. Brodersen & M. Glock (Eds.), pp. 68-95, Indeterminate States: Spaces 'betwixt and between.' Routledge Freebook.

Mills, Jon. (2018). Critiquing Jung’s Ethics. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 10 (2), 135-142.

Mills, Jon (2018). Challenging Relational Psychoanalysis: A Reply to my Critics. Psychoanalytic Perspectives, 15 (1), 2-9.

Mills, Jon (2017). Rethinking Psychosis: Attachment, Developmental Trauma, and the Psychotic Spectrum. In D.L. Downing and J. Mills (Eds.), Outpatient Treatment of Psychosis: Psychodynamic Approaches to Evidence-Based Practice, pp. 79-121. London: Karnac.

Mills, Jon (2017). Psychoanalysis and the Philosophical Turn. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 35(1), 3-7.  

Mills, Jon (2017). Challenging Relational Psychoanalysis: A Critique of Postmodernism and Analyst Self-Disclosure. Conference proceedings of Challenging the Relational Approach: A Conference with Dr. Jon Mills, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, February 13, 2015. Psychoanalytic Perspectives, 14: 313-335. 

Mills, Jon (2017). The Unbearable Shame of the Analyst’s Idealization: Reiterating the Temporal. In Ladson Hinton & Hessel Willemsen (Eds.), Temporality and Shame, pp. 33-56. London: Routledge.

Mills, Jon (2016). Fine-Tuning Problems in Relational Psychoanalysis: New Directions in Theory and Praxis. Psychotherapy and Counselling Journal of Australia. Vol. 4, No.1, August.

Mills, Jon (2015).  On Meant Objects, Unconscious Intentionality, and Time. Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche., 9(4), 92-97.

Mills, Jon (2015). On Found Objects: Reflections on Auschwitz. Psychoanalytic Perspectives, 12: 220–224.

Mills, Jon. (2015). Psychoanalysis and the Ideologies of Science.  Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 35:24–44.

Mills, Jon (2014). Psychotherapist-Patient Privilege, Recordkeeping, and Maintaining Psychotherapy Case Notes in Professional Practice: The Need for Ethical and Policy Reform. Canadian Journal of Counselling & Psychotherapy / Revue canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie, 48(4), 96-113.

Mills, Jon. (2014). Jung as Philosopher: Archetypes, the Psychoid Factor, and the Question of the SupernaturalInternational Journal of Jungian Studies, 6 (3), 227-242.

Mills, Jon. (2014). Truth.  Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 62(2), 267-293.

Mills, Jon (2013). Civilization and its Fate. Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia. Supplementary Volume: English Edition, pp.195-222.

Mills, Jon (2013). Freedom and Determinism. The Humanistic Psychologist, 41(2), 101-118.

Mills, Jon (2013). Jung’s Metaphysics. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 5(1), 19-43.

Mills, Jon (2012). Recordkeeping in the Real World of Private Practice: Recommendations for Canadian Psychologists. Commentary on Bemister and Dobson (2011). Canadian Psychology/ Psychologie canadienne, 53(2), May, 140-142.

Mills, Jon (2011). God: The Invention of an Idea. Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, 19(2): Fall-Winter, 61-79. 

Mills, Jon (2011). Deconstructing Hermes: A Critique of the Hermeneutic Turn in Psychoanalysis. The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 71 (3), 238-245.

Mills, Jon (2008). Attachment Deficits, Personality Structure, and PTSD. Psychoanalytic Psychology,      25(2), 380-385.  

Mills, Jon (2007). The Immorality of the Home Office. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 24(4), 720-723. 

Mills, Jon (2007). A Response to Grünbaum’s Refutation of Psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 24(3)539-544.

Mills, Jon (2006). A Response to my Critics. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 23 (1), 197-209.

Mills, Jon (2006). Reflections on the Death Drive. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 23(2)373-382.

Mills, Jon (2005). On Moral Countertransference. International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 2(3): 236-248.

Mills, Jon (2005). A Critique of Relational Psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 22(2), 155-188.

Mills, Jon (2004). Clarifications on Trieb: Freud’s Theory of Motivation Reinstated. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 21(4), 673-677.

Mills, Jon (2004). Countertransference Revisited. The Psychoanalytic Review. 91(3), 467-515.

Mills, Jon (2004). Structuralization, Borderlineopathy, and Schizoid Phenomena. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 21(2), 319-326.

Mills, Jon (2004). Structuralization, Trauma, and Attachment. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 21(1), 154-160.

Mills, Jon (2003). Existentialism and Psychoanalysis: From Antiquity to Postmodernism. The Psychoanalytic Review, 90(3), 269-279.

Mills, Jon (2003). Whitehead’s Unconscious Ontology. Theory & Psychology, 13(2) 209-238.

Mills, Jon (2003). Lacan on Paranoiac Knowledge. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 20(1), 30-51.

Mills, Jon (2002). Deciphering the “Genesis Problem”: On the Dialectical Origins of Psychic Reality. The Psychoanalytic Review, 89 (6), 763-809.

Mills, Jon (2002). Reexamining the Psychoanalytic Corpse: From Scientific Psychology to Philosophy. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 19(3), 552-558.

Mills, Jon (2002). Five Dangers of Materialism. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 128(1): 5-27. 

Mills, Jon (2002). Whitehead Idealized: A Naturalized Process Metaphysics. Process Studies, 31(1), 32-48.

Mills, Jon (2001). Philosophical Counseling as Psychotherapy: An Eclectic Approach. International Journal of Philosophical Practice, 1(1), 1-28.

Mills, Jon (2000). Hegel on Projective Identification: Implications for Klein, Bion, and Beyond. The Psychoanalytic Review, 87(6), 841-874.

Mills, Jon (2000). Hegel on the Unconscious Soul. Science et Esprit, 52(3), 321-340.

Mills, Jon (2000). Hegel and Freud on Psychic Reality. Journal of the Society for Existential Analysis, 12(1), 159-183.

Mills, Jon (2000). Dialectical Psychoanalysis: Toward Process Psychology. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought, 23(3), 20-54.

Mills, Jon (1999). The Ontology of Religiosity: The Oceanic Feeling and the Value of the Lived Experience. Religious Humanism, 33(3/4), 20-41.

Mills, Jon (1999). Ethical Considerations and Training Recommendations for Philosophical Counseling. International Journal of Applied Philosophy, 13(2), 149-164.

Mills, Jon (1999). Unconscious Subjectivity. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 35 (2), 342-347.

Mills, Jon (1998). Theosophic and Neo-Platonic Influences on Hegel’s Theory of the Unconscious Abyss. Colloquia Manilana: Interdisciplinary Journal of the Philippine Dominican Center of Institutional Studies, Vol. VI, 25-44.

Mills, Jon (1998). Prejudice and its Vicissitudes. Human Studies, 21(1), 187-196.

Mills, Jon (1998). Multiplicity, Essentialism, and the Dialectical Nature of the Soul. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 34(1), 157-169.

Mills, Jon (1998). Better Teaching Through Provocation. College Teaching, 46(1), 21-25.

Mills, Jon (1997). The False Dasein: From Heidegger to Sartre and Psychoanalysis. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 28(1), 42-65.

Mills, Jon (1996). Hegel on the Unconscious Abyss: Implications for Psychoanalysis. The Owl of Minerva, 28 (1), 59-75.

Mills, Jon K. (1995). The Morality of Promising Made in Good Faith. The Journal of Value Inquiry, 29, 573-574.

Mills, Jon K. (1995). On Self-Forgiveness and Moral Self-Representation. The Journal of Value Inquiry, 29, 405-406.

Mills, Jon K. (1994). The Obese Personality: Defense, Compromise, Symbiotic Arrest, and the Characterologically Depressed Self. Issues in Psychoanalytic Psychology, 16(1), 67-80.

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