End of the World
Distinguished Speaker Series, Northwest Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study, Seattle, WA
Date to be determined
The Ωmega Principle
Public Presentation, New School for Existential Psychoanalysis, San Francisco, CA, USA
Psychotherapy Integration as Hospitality
Workshop participant on complementarity and interdisciplinary psychotherapy integration between psychoanalysis and CBT. Program for Hermeneutics and Cultural Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
The Black Foe: Being Toward Death
Presentation, Plenary Panel on "Intimations of Immortality." XXII International Congress for Analytical Psychology, International Association for Analytical Psychology, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Abandoning the Child
Symposium, Comparative Psychoanalysis Research Group. Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex, Colchester, UK
Symposium, Comparative Psychoanalysis Research Group. Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex, Colchester, UK
Jung: On the Nature of the Psyche
Symposium, Comparative Psychoanalysis Research Group. Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex, Colchester, UK
Field Notes of a Philosophical Counselor
Keynote Address, 4th International Conference on Philosophical Counseling Practice, National Philosophical Counseling Association.
Working with Severe Psychopathology
Winter Semester Seminar, Postgraduate Programs in Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy, Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY
Discovery of the Unconscious
Symposium, Comparative Psychoanalysis Research Group. Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex, Colchester, UK
The Ineffable
Symposium, Comparative Psychoanalysis Research Group. Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex, Colchester, UK
Instincts and their Vicissitudes
Symposium, Comparative Psychoanalysis Research Group. Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex, Colchester, UK
Obsessionality: Modulating the Encounter with Emotional Truth and the Aesthetic Object
Symposium, Comparative Psychoanalysis Research Group. Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex, Colchester, UK
Aristotle on De Anima
Symposium, Comparative Psychoanalysis Research Group. Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex, Colchester, UK
Debating Relational Psychoanalysis
Meet the Author, Adelphi Society for Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy, Garden City, NY
The Painful Vicissitudes of the Patient’s Love: Transference-Love and Aesthetic Conflict
Symposium, Comparative Psychoanalysis Research Group. Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex, Colchester, UK
Challenging Relational Psychoanalysis
Master Class Series. Northwest Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study, Seattle, WA